Knives from the wilderness.
Here is a selection of previous knives I have made. I pride in making knives that are both durable, rustic and usable pices of art. I try to improve on traditional crafts, mechanically. Whilst also bringing artistry into knifemaking. I want my knives to bear all traces of its journey from raw material to highly perfected surfaces. In making the ultimate knife, I pride on gathering raw materials from the surrounding hills, soils and mires rich on wrought iron ore, and making my own local Tamahagane, as the old anchient masters did. I am using local woods, namely the local Karelian Birch. And using hive of local Moose and Elk and Raindeer. I also work with the natives, sami people, in order to rediscover the ancient secrets of the old craft.
I have a background in mechanical engineering, studying metalurgy and machining. I also have a millitary background from the Navy. I studied Fine Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid.
My main goal is making the best Leuku knives and Sami knives possible.
I also have a passion for making artistic rustic Bowie knives.
Thanks for following my journey in knifemaking.
Best Wishes
Børje Sundbakken